VC 1
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* Encodes the given VC dump, writing HTML to the given file pointer.
int htmlencode(FILE *fp, VCDump *dump) {
int y,x,oldattr=-1;
CA * cap=dump->ca;
fputs("<pre>", fp);
for (y=0; y<dump->h.ys; y++) {
for (x=0; x<dump->h.xs; x++) {
int ch=cap->ch, attr=cap->attr;
// if attribute changed, print appropriate tag
if (oldattr != attr) {
if (oldattr != -1) fputs("</span>", fp); // close old tag if open
fprintf(fp, "<span class=\"a%02x\">", attr);
// replace unprintable characters with '?'
if (ch & 0x7f < 0x20) ch='?';
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